HS编码 | 商品名称 | 退税率 | 计量单位 | 海关监管 | 申报要素·检疫 | 编码对比 |
55142100.00 | 与棉混纺染色聚酯短纤平纹机织物
[Plain weave fabrics of polyester staple fibres,dyed,mixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | -- | |
55142200.00 | 与棉混纺染色的重质聚酯斜纹布
[Twill weave cloth of polyester staple fibres , mixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡, dyed] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55142100.00 | |
55142300.00 | 与棉混纺染色聚酯短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres,dyedmixed with cotton,containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55142200.00 | |
55142900.00 | 与棉混纺染色其他合纤短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres,dyed,mixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55142300.00 | |
55143010.00 | 与棉混纺色织的重质聚酯平纹布
[polyester staple fibres, plain weave mixed with cotton containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡, of yarn of different colours] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55142900.00 | |
55143020.00 | 与棉混纺色织聚酯短纤三四线斜纹布
[polyester staple fibres, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, mixed with cotton containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡, of yarn of different colours] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55143010.00 | |
55143030.00 | 与棉混纺色织聚酯短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, mixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡, of yarn of different colours] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55143020.00 | |
55143090.00 | 与棉混纺色织合纤短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, mixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡, of yarn of different colours] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55143030.00 | |
55144100.00 | 与棉混纺印花聚酯短纤平纹机织物
[Plain weave fabrics of polyester staple fibres,printedmixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55143090.00 | |
55144200.00 | 与棉混纺印花的重质聚酯斜纹布
[Twill weave cloth of polyester staple fibres , mixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡, printed] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55144100.00 | |
55144300.00 | 与棉混纺印花聚酯短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres,printed,mixed with cotton,containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55144200.00 | |
55144900.00 | 与棉混纺印花其他合纤短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres,printed,mixed with cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, of a weight exceeding 170g/㎡] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55144300.00 | |
55151100.00 | 主要或仅与粘胶纤维短纤混纺聚酯短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres,containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with viscose rayon staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55144900.00 | |
55151200.00 | 主要或仅与化学纤维长丝混纺聚酯短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres,mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments,containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55151100.00 | |
55151300.00 | 主要或仅与羊毛或动物细毛混纺聚酯短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres,mixed mainly or solely with combed wool or fine animal hair, and less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55151200.00 | |
55151900.00 | 其他聚酯短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of other polyester staple fibres, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of other polyester staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55151300.00 | |
55152100.00 | 主要或仅与化学纤维长丝混纺腈纶短纤机织物
[Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments ,containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55151900.00 | |
55152200.00 | 主要或仅与羊毛或动物细毛混纺腈纶短纤机织物
[Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres, mixed of acrylic staple fibres,mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair,containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55152100.00 | |
55152900.00 | 其他腈纶短纤与其他纤维混机织物
[Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres,mixed with other fibres,containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55152200.00 | |
55159100.00 | 主要或仅与化学纤维长丝混纺其他合纤短纤其他机织物
[Other woven fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of other synthetic staple fibres] |
13% | 米/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-55152900.00 |