HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
29333400.10 乙酰阿法甲基芬太尼,阿法甲基芬太尼,倍他羟基芬太尼,倍他羟基-3-甲基芬太尼,对氟芬太尼
[Acetyl Afamethyl Fentanyl, Afamethyl Fentanyl, Betahydroxy Fentanyl, Betahydroxy-3-methylFentanyl, Flufentanil]
13% 千克/无 I 查看详情 --
29333400.90 其他芬太尼及它们的衍生物
[Other fentanyl and their derivatives]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29333400.10
29333500.00 奎宁环-3-醇(3-奎宁醇)
[Quinocyclo-3-ol (3-Quininol)]
13% 千克/无 23 查看详情 对比-29333400.90
29333600.00 4-苯氨基-N-苯乙基哌啶(ANPP)
[4-phenylamino-N-phenylethylpyridine (ANPP)]
13% 千克/无 23 查看详情 对比-29333500.00
29333700.00 N-苯乙基-4-哌啶酮(NPP)
[N-Phenethyl-4-piperidinone (NPP)]
13% 千克/无 23 查看详情 对比-29333600.00
29333910.00 二苯乙醇酸-3-奎宁环酯
[Benzilic acid-3-quinuclidinate]
13% 千克/无 23 查看详情 对比-29333700.00
29333990.11 烯丙罗定,阿法美罗定,倍他美罗定,阿法罗定,苄替啶,倍他罗定,依托利定,羟哌替啶,美他佐辛,1-甲基-4-苯基-4-哌啶丙酸酯,诺匹哌酮,以及它们的盐
[Alluridine, alfamerodin, betamerodin, alfarodin, benzatidine, betaterodin, etomidine, droxperidine, metazocine, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-4-piperidine propionate, nopiperidone, and their salts]
13 千克/无 I 查看详情 对比-29333910.00
29333990.12 1-苯乙基-4-苯基-4-哌啶乙酸酯,哌替啶中间体B,哌替啶中间体C,非那丙胺,非那佐辛,匹米诺定,丙哌利定,以及它们的盐;瑞马唑仑及其盐和异构体
[1-phenylethyl-4-phenyl-4-piperidine acetate, pethidine intermediate B, pethidine intermediate C, finadramine, finazocine, piminodine, and propiperidine, and their salts; Rimazolam and its salts and isomers]
13 千克/无 I 查看详情 对比-29333990.11
29333990.71 2,6-双(苦基氨基)-3,5-二硝基吡啶(PYX)
[Acetyl-alpha-methylfentanyl, allylprodine, alphamepro dine (and their salts)]
13.0% 千克/无 3 查看详情 对比-29333990.12
29333990.72 全氟辛酸的盐类和相关化合物(PFOA类)
[Alpha-methylfentanyl, alphaprodine, benzethi-dine(and their salts)]
13.0% 千克/无 X 查看详情 对比-29333990.71
29333990.73 4-(N-苯基氨基)哌啶及其盐、1-叔丁氧羰基-4-(N-苯基氨基)哌啶及其盐、N-苯基-N-(4-哌啶基)丙酰胺及其盐
[4- (N-phenylamino) piperidine and its salts, 1-tert-butoxycarbonyl-4- (N-phenylamino) piperidine and its salts, N-phenyl-N - (4-piperidinyl) propanamide and its salts]
- 千克/无 23 查看详情 对比-29333990.72
29333990.74 3-羟基-1-甲基哌啶,3-奎宁环酮,氨基甲酸酯类(二甲胺基甲酸吡啶酯类季铵盐和双季铵盐)
[Betaprodine, etoxeridine, hydroxypethidine, metazo-ci ne (and their salts)]
- 千克/无 23 查看详情 对比-29333990.73
29333990.91 抗癌药原料(吉美嘧啶、甲磺酸阿帕替尼、西达本胺、甲苯磺酸尼拉帕利)
[Gemcitabine, apatinib mesylate, citadine and other anti-cancer drugs]
13.0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29333990.74
29333990.92 抗癌药原料(吉美嘧啶、甲磺酸阿帕替尼、西达本胺、甲苯磺酸尼拉帕利)
[Anti cancer drug raw materials (gemcitabine, apatinib mesylate, sidabenamide, niraparib tosylate)]
- 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29333990.91
29333990.99 其他结构上含有一个非稠合吡啶环(不论是否氢化)的化合物
[Other structurally containing a non-fused pyridine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) of the compound due to the resolution of the anti-cancer drug substance]
13.0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29333990.92
29334100.00 左非诺(INN)及其盐
[Levorpharol(INN)and its salts]
13% 千克/无 I 查看详情 对比-29333990.99
29334900.40 抗癌药原料(马来酸吡咯替尼)
[Anti-cancer drug raw material (pyrrotinib maleate)]
13 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29334100.00
29334900.90 其他含喹琳或异喹啉环系的化合物
[Other compounds containingan quinoline or isoquinoline ringsysterm (not further fused)]
13.0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29334900.40
29335200.00 丙二酰脲(巴比妥酸)及其盐
[Malonylurea(barbituric acid)and its salts]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29334900.90
29335400.00 其他丙二酰脲的衍生物及它们的盐
[Other derivatives of malonylurea(barbituric acid); salts thereof]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29335200.00