HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
29321900.40  (增) 喃烯菊酯,炔呋菊酯,呋菌胺,酯菌胺,抑霉胺,呋氧草醚,环庚草醚,呋草酮,甲呋炔菊酯,溴苄呋菊酯,右旋炔呋菊酯 ,环菌胺,甲呋酰胺,二甲呋酰胺,茵多酸,莪术醇,呋喃磺草酮,楝素,呋霜灵,呋菌隆,螺螨酯,苄呋菊酯,呋虫胺
[Fenvalerate, Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors, Mancozeb, Cypermethrin, Pyrethroid, Fenamiphos, Carbamate, Hydramethylnon, Pymetrozine, Cyfluthrin, Pyriproxyfen]
- 千克/无 S 查看详情 --
29322090.10  (增) 杀鼠灵,克鼠灵,敌鼠灵,溴鼠灵,氯灭鼠灵,氟鼠灵,鼠得克,杀鼠醚,赤霉酸,蝇毒磷,茴蒿素,溴敌隆,呋酰胺,四氯苯酞,畜虫磷,丁香菌酯,甲氨基阿维菌素及其盐,阿维菌素,丙酰芸苔素内酯,螺螨双酯
[Rodenticides, Bromadiolone, Chlorfenvinphos, Florfenicol, Streptomycin, Fenitrothion, Abamectin, Ammonium salt, Amitraz, Pyrethroid, DDT, Pyrethroid, Isopropylthiol, Tributyltin oxide, Dicofol, Ivermectin, Carbofuran, Dimethoate, Dimethylpyrrole, Spinosad]
- 千克/无 S 查看详情 对比-29321900.40
29329990.01  (增) 二氧威,噁虫威,丙硫克百威,丁硫克百威,呋线威,因毒磷,敌噁磷,碳氯灵,吡喃灵,吡喃隆,乙氧呋草黄,呋草黄,氟草肟,避蚊酮,苯虫醚,鱼藤酮,环虫酰肼,调呋酸,芸苔素内酯
[Dioxin, Omethoate, Prothiofos, Butylthiophos, Foschlor, Phosmet, Phosphamidon, Chlorpyrifos, Pyraclofos, Pyridaben, Ethoxydioxane, Fenoxaprop, Fluroxypyr, Deet, Fenamiphos, Rotenone, Pymetrozine, Imidacloprid, Cyfluthrin, Emamectin]
- 千克/无 S 查看详情 对比-29322090.10
29329990.34  (增) 抗癌药原料(紫杉醇)
[Anticancer drug raw material (paclitaxel)]
- 千克/无 QEF 查看详情 对比-29329990.01
29329990.35  (增) 抗癌药原料(多西他赛)
[Anti cancer drug raw material (docetaxel)]
- 千克/无 EF 查看详情 对比-29329990.34
29329990.36  (增) 抗癌药原料(淫羊藿素)
[Anti cancer drug raw material (icariin)]
- 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29329990.35
29329990.37  (增) 三尖杉宁碱,十去乙酰基巴卡丁三(红豆杉提取物10-DAB ),十去乙酰基紫杉醇(红豆杉提取物10-DAT),巴卡丁三,7-表紫杉醇,10-去乙酰7-表紫杉醇,7,10-双(三氯乙酰基)-10-去乙酰基巴卡丁三类似物,7,10-双(三氯乙酰基)-多西他赛
[Taxol, 10-Deacetylbaccatin III (Taxus extract 10-DAB), 10-Deacetylpaclitaxel (Taxus extract 10-DAT), Baccatin III, 7-deacetyl paclitaxel, 10-deacetyl-7-deacetyl baccatin III analog, 7,10-bis(trichloroacetyl)-10-deacetylbaccatin III analog, 7,10-bis(trichloroacetyl)-docetaxel]
- 千克/无 FE 查看详情 对比-29329990.36
29329990.41  (增) 替苯丙胺及其盐、(1,2-二甲基庚基)羟基四氢甲基二苯吡喃、六氢大麻酚、甲羟芬胺、乙芬胺、羟芬胺、二亚甲基双氧安非他明(MDMA)及其盐、3,4-亚甲二氧基甲卡西酮(CAS号186028-79-5)
[Methamphetamine and its salts, (1,2-dimethylheptyl) hydroxy tetrahydrofuran, Tetrahydrocannabinol, Methylphenidate, Ethylphenidate, Hydroxyphenidate, Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) and its salts, 3,4-methylenedioxy-methcathinone (CAS:186028-79-5)]
- 千克/无 I 查看详情 对比-29329990.37
29321100.00 四氢呋喃
13% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-29329990.41
29321200.00 2-糠醛
9.0% 千克/无 B 查看详情 对比-29321100.00
29321300.00 糠醇及四氢糠醇
[Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29321200.00
29321400.00 三氯蔗糖
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29321300.00
29321900.17 全氟已基磺酸及其盐类和其相关化合物
[Perfluorooctylsulfonic acid and its salts and related compounds]
千克/无 89 查看详情 对比-29321400.00
29321900.20 呋芬雷司
13.0% 千克/无 I 查看详情 对比-29321900.17
29321900.30 恩格列净
13.0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29321900.20
29321900.90 其他结构上有非稠合呋喃环化合物
[Other compounds containing an unfused Furan ring in the structure]
13.0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29321900.30
29322010.00 香豆素、甲基香豆素及乙基香豆素
[Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins]
13% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29321900.90
29322090.20 鬼臼毒素
13.0% 千克/无 EF 查看详情 对比-29322010.00
29322090.31 γ-丁内酯
[γ- Butyrolactone(CAS 96-48-0)]
13 千克/无 23 查看详情 对比-29322090.20
29322090.90 其他内酯
[Other lactones]
13.0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-29322090.31