HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
27075000.10 200摄氏度以下时蒸馏出的芳烃以体积计小于95%的其他芳烃混合物 0% 千克/升 查看详情 --
27075000.90 其他芳烃混合物 0% 千克/升 查看详情 对比-27075000.10
27079100.00 杂酚油
[Creosote oils]
0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-27075000.90
0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-27079100.00
27079990.00 蒸馏煤焦油所得的其他产品
[other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar(similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents)]
0% 千克/升 查看详情 对比-27079910.00
27081000.00 沥青
[Pitch, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars]
0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-27079990.00
27082000.01 针状沥青焦
[Needle-shaped pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars]
0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-27081000.00
27082000.90 其他沥青焦
[Other pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars]
0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-27082000.01
27090000.00 石油原油
[Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude]
0% 千克/桶 4x7AByv 查看详情 对比-27082000.90
27101210.00 车用汽油及航空汽油,不含生物柴油
[---Motor gasoline, aviation gasoline]
13% 千克/升 47ABxyv 查看详情 对比-27090000.00
27101220.00 石脑油,不含生物柴油
[Naphtha, other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/升 47ABxyv 查看详情 对比-27101210.00
27101230.00 橡胶溶剂油、油漆溶剂油、抽提溶剂油,不含生物柴油
[Rubber solvent, paint solvent, extrac-tive solvent, other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/升 查看详情 对比-27101220.00
27101291.01 壬烯,不含生物柴油
[Nonene(mixture of C9 isomers content more than 90%), other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/无 4Axy 查看详情 对比-27101230.00
27101291.90 其他壬烯,不含生物柴油
[Other nonene, other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/无 4Axy 查看详情 对比-27101291.01
27101299.10 异戊烯同分异构体混合物,不含生物柴油
[Mixture of isomers of isoamylene, other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/升 4Axy 查看详情 对比-27101291.90
27101299.20 脱模剂
[Release agent]
0% 千克/升 4Axy 查看详情 对比-27101299.10
27101299.90 其他轻油及制品,不含生物柴油
[Other light oils and preparations containing by weight more than 70% of oils,other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/升 4Axy 查看详情 对比-27101299.20
27101911.00 航空煤油,不含生物柴油
[Aviation kerosene, other than those containing biodiesel]
13% 千克/升 47ABxyv 查看详情 对比-27101299.90
27101912.00 灯用煤油,不含生物柴油
[Lamp-kerosene, other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/升 47ABxyv 查看详情 对比-27101911.00
27101919.10 正构烷烃(C9-C13),不含生物柴油
[Normal paraffin(C9-C13), other than those containing biodiesel]
0% 千克/升 4xy 查看详情 对比-27101912.00