HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
89011010.10 高速客船
[Hi-speed passenger vessels(including similar vessels principally designed for the transport of persons)]
13% 艘/千克 O 查看详情 --
89011010.90 其他机动巡航船游览船及各式渡船
[Other motor cruise ships, motor excursion boats and motor ferry-boats of all kinds(including similar vessels principally designed for the transport of persons)]
13% 艘/千克 O 查看详情 对比-89011010.10
89011090.00 非机动巡航船、游览船及各式渡船
[Other non-motor cruise ships, non-motor excursion boats and non-motor ferry-boats of all kinds(including similar vessels principally designed for the transport of persons)]
13% 艘/千克 查看详情 对比-89011010.90