HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
87112010.00 50<排量≤100毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50cc but not exceeding 100cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 --
87112020.00 100<排量≤125毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 100 cc but not exceeding 125cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112010.00
87112030.00 125<排量≤150毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 125 cc but not exceeding 150cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112020.00
87112040.00 150<排量≤200毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Motorcycles and mopeds, with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine, Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 150 cc but not exceeding 200cc]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112030.00
87112050.10 200<排量<250毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[20<<250ml loaded exhaust volume of reciprocating piston internal combustion engine for motorcycles and mopeds]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112040.00
87112050.90 排量=250毫升装有活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车
[Displacement =250ml loaded exhaust volume of reciprocation piston internal combustion engine for motorcycles and mopeds]
13% 辆/千克 46Axy 查看详情 对比-87112050.10
87112050.00 (已作废)
推荐查询: 87112050 或者: 871120
200<排量≤250毫升装往复式活塞内燃发动机摩托车及脚踏两用车  15.00  辆/ y4xA6 查看详情 对比-87112050.90