HS编码 | 商品名称 | 退税率 | 计量单位 | 海关监管 | 申报要素·检疫 | 编码对比 |
87082100.00 | 坐椅安全带
[Safety seat belts of the motor vehicles of headings No. 87.01 to 87.05] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6A | 查看详情 | -- |
87082211.00 | 汽车电动天窗
[Electric sunroof for automobiles] |
13% | 千克/套 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082100.00 |
87082212.00 | 汽车手动天窗
[Automobile manual sunroof] |
13% | 千克/套 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082211.00 |
87082290.00 | 本章子目注释一所列的前挡风玻璃、后窗及其他车窗
[The front windshield, rear window, and other car windows listed in footnote 1 of this chapter] |
13% | 千克/套 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082212.00 |
87082930.00 | 机动车辆用车窗玻璃升降器
[Windowpane raiser of the motor vehicles of headings No. 87.01 to 87.05] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082290.00 |
87082951.00 | 侧围
[Side appearance of bodies] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082930.00 |
87082952.00 | 车门
[Doors] |
13% | 千克/个 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082951.00 |
87082953.00 | 发动机罩盖
[Bonnets] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082952.00 |
87082954.00 | 前围
[Frontal appearance of bodies] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082953.00 |
87082955.00 | 行李箱盖(或背门)
[Rear compartment covers(or vear door)] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082954.00 |
87082956.00 | 后围
[Rear appearance of bodies] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082955.00 |
87082957.00 | 翼子板(或叶子板)
[Running-boards] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082956.00 |
87082959.00 | 其他车身覆盖件
[Other covered parts of bodies] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082957.00 |
87082990.00 | 其他车身未列名零部件
[Other parts and accessories of bodies (including cabs), not specified] |
13% | 千克/无 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082959.00 |
推荐查询: 87082941 或者: 870829 |
[Electric sunroofs of the motor vehicles of headings No. 87.01 to 87.05] |
13% | 千克/套 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082990.00 |
推荐查询: 87082942 或者: 870829 |
[Head-operated sunroofs of the motor vehicles of headings No. 87.01 to 87.05] |
13% | 千克/套 | 6 | 查看详情 | 对比-87082941.00 |