HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
73044910.00 非冷轧(拔)不锈钢制无缝锅炉管(包括内螺纹)
[Non-cold (unplugged) stainless steel seamless boiler tube (including internal thread)]
0% 千克/无 查看详情 --
73044990.00 非冷轧的不锈钢制其他无缝管
[Boiler tubes and pipes , of stainless steel ( not cold-drawn or cold-rolled)]
0% 千克/无 查看详情 对比-73044910.00
73044910.01 (已作废)
推荐查询: 73044910 或者: 730449
[Boiler tubes and pipes , of stainless steel ( non cold-drawn or cold-rolled, tensile strength≥550Mpa,yield strength>200Mpa )]
13% 千克/无 A 查看详情 对比-73044990.00
73044910.90 (已作废)
推荐查询: 73044910 或者: 730449
[other boiler tubes and pipes , of stainless steel ( non cold-drawn or cold-rolled)]
13% 千克/无 A 查看详情 对比-73044910.01