HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
71129210.00 铂及包铂的废碎料
[Waste and scrap of platinum or platinum compounds, but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals]
0% 克/无 49xy 查看详情 --
71129220.01 铂含量在3%以上的其他含有铂或铂化合物的废碎料
[Other waste and scraps containing 3% or more of platinum, but excluding sweepings containg other precious metals, used principally for recycling platinum]
0% 克/无 4xy 查看详情 对比-71129210.00
71129220.90 其他含有铂及铂化合物的废碎料
[Other waste and scraps containing platinum, but excluding sweepings containg other precious metals, used principally for recycling platinum]
0% 克/无 4xy 查看详情 对比-71129220.01