HS编码 | 商品名称 | 退税率 | 计量单位 | 海关监管 | 申报要素·检疫 | 编码对比 |
62034100.20 (增) | 毛制男童长裤、马裤
[Boys' long pants and riding pants made of wool] |
13% | 条/千克 | A | 查看详情 | -- |
62034290.10 (增) | 棉制其他男童长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Other boys' long pants, chest-protecting suspenders overalls, riding pants, and shorts made of cotton] |
13% | 条/千克 | A | 查看详情 | 对比-62034100.20 |
62034390.10 (增) | 其他合纤制其他男童长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Other boys' long pants, chest-protecting suspenders overalls, riding pants, and shorts made of synthetic fibers] |
13% | 条/千克 | A | 查看详情 | 对比-62034290.10 |
62034990.10 (增) | 人纤制男童护胸背带工装裤
[Boys' chest-protecting suspenders overalls made of man-made fibers] |
13% | 条/千克 | A | 查看详情 | 对比-62034390.10 |
62034100.90 | 毛制其他男式长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Other men’s or boys’ trousers,bib and brace overalls,breeches and shorts,of wool or fine animal hair] |
13% | 条/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034990.10 | |
62034210.00 | 棉制男式阿拉伯裤
[Men’s or boys’ Arabian trousers of cotton] |
13% | 条/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034100.90 | |
62034290.90 | 棉制其他男式长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Other men’s or boys’ trousers,bib and brace overalls,breeches and shorts,of cotton] |
13% | 条/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034210.00 | |
62034310.00 | 合成纤维制男式阿拉伯裤
[Men’s or boys’ Arabian trousers of synthetic fibres] |
13% | 条/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034290.90 | |
62034390.90 | 合纤制其他男式长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Other men’s or boys’ trousers,bib and brace overalls,breeches and shorts,of synthetic fibres] |
13% | 条/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034310.00 | |
62034910.00 | 其他材料制男式阿拉伯裤
[Men’s or boys’ Arabian trousers of other textile materials] |
13% | 条/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034390.90 | |
62034990.90 | 其他材料制其他男式长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤
[Other men’s or boys’ trousers,bib and brace overalls,breeches and shorts,of other textile materials] |
13% | 条/千克 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034910.00 | |
推荐查询: 62034100 或者: 620341 |
[Men’s or boys’ bib and brace overalls, of wool or fine animal hair, with thermal lining] |
17% | 条/千克 | 无 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034990.90 |
推荐查询: 62034100 或者: 620341 |
[Men’s or boys’ bib and brace overalls, of wool or fine animal hair] |
17% | 条/千克 | 无 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034100.11 |
推荐查询: 62034100 或者: 620341 |
[Men’s or boys’ trousers and breeches, of wool or fine animal hair, with thermal lining] |
17% | 条/千克 | 无 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034100.19 |
推荐查询: 62034100 或者: 620341 |
[Men's trousers and breeches, of wool or fine animal hair, including boys', size 8-18] |
13% | 条/千克 | A | 查看详情 | 对比-62034100.21 |
推荐查询: 62034100 或者: 620341 |
[Other boys' trousers and breeches, of wool or fine animal hair] |
13% | 条/千克 | A | 查看详情 | 对比-62034100.22 |
推荐查询: 62034210 或者: 620342 |
[Men’s or boys’ Arabian trousers of cotton, containing 15% or more by weight of down or feathers, down content rate not less than 35%, or containing 10% or more by weight of down] |
17% | 条/千克 | 无 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034100.29 |
推荐查询: 62034210 或者: 620342 |
[Men’s or boys’ Arabian trousers of cotton] |
17% | 条/千克 | 无 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034210.10 |
推荐查询: 62034290 或者: 620342 |
[Men’s or boys’ bib and brace overalls of cotton, industrial and occupational use, containing 15% or more by weight of down or feathers, down content rate 35% or more, or containing 10% or more by weight of down] |
17% | 条/千克 | 无 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034210.90 |
推荐查询: 62034290 或者: 620342 |
[Men’s or boys’ bib and brace overalls of cotton,containing 15% or more by weight of down or feathers, down content rate 35% or more, or containing 10% or more by weight of down] |
17% | 条/千克 | 无 | 查看详情 | 对比-62034290.11 |