HS编码 商品名称 退税率 计量单位 海关监管 申报要素·检疫 编码对比
07119031.00 盐水竹笋 9% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 --
07119034.10 盐水简单腌制的大蒜头、大蒜瓣
[Garlic bulbs or garlic bulblet, in brine (whether or not skinned but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption)]
9% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-07119031.00
07119034.90 盐水简单腌制的其他大蒜
[Other garlic in brine (whether or not skinned, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consum- ption), excluding garlic bulbs, garlic bulblet]
9% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-07119034.10
07119039.00 盐水的其他蔬菜及什锦蔬菜
[Other vegetables, mixtures of vegetables, in brine(unsuitabl in that state for immediate consumption)]
9% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-07119034.90
07119090.00 暂时保藏的其他蔬菜及什锦蔬菜
[Other vegetables, mixtures of vegetables, provisionally preserved(by sulphur dioxide gas or in other preservative solutions,but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption)]
9% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-07119039.00
07119031.10 (已作废)
推荐查询: 07119031 或者: 071190
[Acidosasa chinensis shoots in brine(unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption)]
9% 千克/无 ABE 查看详情 对比-07119090.00
07119031.90 (已作废)
推荐查询: 07119031 或者: 071190
[Other bamboo shoots in brine(unsuitabl in that state for immediate consumption)]
9% 千克/无 AB 查看详情 对比-07119031.10