您查询的相关hs编码  3 条,您的查询关键词  890399
HS编码 品名 实例汇总 申报要素·退税 编码对比
89039900.90 其他长度超过7.5米的娱乐或运动用船舶或快艇
[Other yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports; rowing boats and canoes]
38条 查看详情 --
89039900.10 8米<长度<90米的娱乐或运动用其他机动船舶或快艇
[Other motor ships or speedboats for entertainment or sports, with a length exceeding 8m but not exceeding 90m]
0条 查看详情 对比-89039900.90
89039900.01  (已作废)
推荐查询: 89039900
[Yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports, length: 8m-90m,; rowing boats and canoes]
6条 查看详情 对比-89039900.10