您查询的相关hs编码  15 条,您的查询关键词  8443
HS编码 品名 实例汇总 申报要素·退税 编码对比
84439990.90 其他印刷(打印)机、复印机及传真机的零件和附件
[Parts and accessories of other presses (printers), copying machines and facsimile machines]
2356条 查看详情 --
84439190.90 传统印刷机用零件及附件
[Parts and accessories of other machines using the commodities under Heading No. 8442 for printing]
361条 查看详情 对比-84439990.90
84433219.00 专用于品目8471所列设备的其他打印机
[Other printers of a kind solely used in the machines of heading No.84.71 (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
301条 查看详情 对比-84439190.90
84433213.00 专用于品目8471所列设备的喷墨打印机
[Ink-jet printers of a kind solely used in the machines of heading No.84.71 (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
160条 查看详情 对比-84433219.00
84433990.00 其他印刷(打印)机、复印机
[Other presses (printers), copying machine(cannot be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
141条 查看详情 对比-84433213.00
84439929.90 其他数字印刷设备的零件
[Parts of other types of digital print equipments(printing machine parts unlisted under item 8442)]
134条 查看详情 对比-84433990.00
84433912.00 将原件通过中间体转印(间接法)的静电感光复印设备
[Electrostatic photo-copying apparatus, Operting by reproducing the original image via an intermediate onto (the process)(cannot be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
126条 查看详情 对比-84439929.90
84439990.10 其他印刷(打印)机、复印机及传真机的感光鼓和含感光鼓的碳粉盒
[Photosensitive drums and toner cartridges of other presses (printers), copying machines and facsimile machines]
71条 查看详情 对比-84433912.00
84433229.00 其他数字式印刷设备
[Other digital printing machines (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
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84433214.00 专用于品目8471所列设备的热敏打印机
[Thermal printers of a kind solely used in the machines of heading No.84.71 (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
60条 查看详情 对比-84433229.00
84431980.00 未列名印刷机
[Other printing machinery not specified, other than screen printing machinery (machines using the commodities under the Heading No. 8442 for printing)]
53条 查看详情 对比-84433214.00
84433931.00 数字式喷墨印刷机
[digital Ink-jet printing machines(cannot be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
52条 查看详情 对比-84431980.00
84433290.90 其他印刷(打印)机、复印机、传真机和电传打字机
[Other presses (printers), copying machine, facsimile machine and teleprinters(can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
47条 查看详情 对比-84433931.00
84433212.00 专用于品目8471所列设备的激光打印机
[Laser printers of a kind solely used in the machines of heading No.84.71 (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
45条 查看详情 对比-84433290.90
84433290.10 其他加密传真机
(其他加密传真机 可与自动数据处理设备或网络连接)
[Other encryption facsimile machine (laser presses) (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network)]
38条 查看详情 对比-84433212.00