您查询的相关hs编码  15 条,您的查询关键词  8419
HS编码 品名 实例汇总 申报要素·退税 编码对比
84193390.40  (增) 具有与三级生物安全柜类似标准的其他冷冻或喷雾式干燥箱;其他冻干设备(10≤24小时凝冰量≤1000千克,并可蒸汽消毒的)
[Other freezing or spray-drying cabinets with standards similar to Class III biological safety cabinets; other freeze-drying equipment (ice formation 10 to 24 hours ≤ 1000 kg, steam sterilizable)]
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84199090.00 品目8419的机器设备用零件
[Other parts of machines for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating]
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84198990.90 其他利用温度变化处理材料的机器
[Other machines for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature (including similar laboratory equipments)]
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84199010.00 热水器用零件
[Parts of water heaters]
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84195000.90 其他热交换装置
[Other heat exchanging devices]
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84193990.90 其他用途的干燥器
[Dryers for other purposes]
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84192000.00 医用或实验室用其他消毒器具
[Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers]
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84198100.00 加工热饮料,烹调,加热食品的机器
[Machines for making hot drinks of for cooking or heating food]
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84194090.90 其他蒸馏或精馏设备
[Other distillation and rectification equipment]
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84191100.00 非电热燃气快速热水器
[Instantaneous gas water heaters , non-electric]
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84196019.00 其他制氧机
[Other oxygen preparation volume less than15000m3/h]
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84194020.00 精馏塔
[Rectifying towers]
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84196090.90 其他液化空气或其他气体用的机器
[Other machines for liquefied air or gases]
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84195000.40 冷却气体用热交换器
[Heat exchangers for cooling gases (made of or protected by UF6–resistent materials)]
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84198910.00 加氢反应器
[Hydroformer vessels]
4条 查看详情 对比-84195000.40